HONOR ID List of Third-Party SDKs

HONOR ID List of Third-Party SDKs

To provide quality and robust products and services, certain features may be provided by our partners in the form of software development kits (SDKs). We conduct strict security checks on third-party SDKs and require our partners to take strict security measures to protect your personal information. We may change the third-party SDKs we access when the functions change. In this situation, we will update the information in this section. Note: The information collected by third-party SDKs may change due to updates or other reasons. Please refer to the official statements published by the SDK providers for details.


Type of personal information


Third-party company

Third-party SDK Privacy Policy

Find Device feature uses Baidu Location SDK

Device information, location information, network information


Baidu, Inc.


“Log in” feature uses China Unicom SDK

Network type, network address, carrier type, local phone number, phone model, phone operating system, hardware manufacturer

Log in with China Unicom phone number

China United Communications Co. , Ltd.


“Log in” feature uses China Telecom SDK

Network IP address, network type, registered phone number, local number, international mobile user identification code, application process information, network connection type, network status information, network address, carrier type, phone model, phone manufacturer, phone operating system type and version

Log in with China Telecom phone number



“Log in” feature uses China Mobile SDK

Network type, network address, carrier type, local phone number, phone model, phone operating system, hardware manufacturer

Log in with China Mobile phone number

Chines Mobile Internet


WeChat account login function uses WeChat Open SDK

WeChat profile picture, nickname, determine whether the phone is installed WeChat app

Use WeChat account to log in to HONOR ID

Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.


HUAWEI ID login function uses HUAWEI ID SDK

Basic user profile, account information, app information

Authorize logins using HUAWEI ID

Huawei Software Technologies Co., Ltd.



No personal information used

No personal information used

Wuhan Jiyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.


Historical Version Privacy Statement
Historical Version Privacy Statement